Monday 29 October 2012

Foods that help muscular system healthy

Our body requires adequate amounts of calcium, potassium, protein, Vitamin C and essential nutrients daily to build, support and maintain healthy muscle cells.

1. Calcium helps muscles contract and relax properly.
2. Potassium is essential for sending nerve impulses to the muscles, allowing them to stretch and relax as needed. Good food choices include meats, dairy products, grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes. Men and women should consume 4,700 milligrams of potassium daily.
3. Protein builds, maintains and repairs muscle tissues. It produces energy and stamina, and it enables muscles to contract properly. A common misconception is that athletes need significantly more protein than nonathletes do. The athlete’s protein requirement is only slightly higher, since training is responsible for developing muscle size, bulk, shape and strength. Good protein foods include chicken, beef, fish, milk, eggs and most other animal products. Vegetarian alternatives include legumes, seeds, nuts, grains, dark leafy greens and dairy products.
4. Vitamin C is essential for producing collagen, which is the connective tissue necessary for muscle health.
5. Iron helps the red blood cells oxygenate your muscles. It’s present in poultry, red meats, eggs, green vegetables, fruits and fortified grain products.
6. Thiamin  (Vitamin B1) helps the body convert foods into the energy needed to produce healthy muscles. Good sources include soy milk, acorn squash and watermelon. Men should consume 1.2 milligrams of thiamin daily, and women should have 1.1 milligrams.
7. Magnesium works with calcium to normalize muscle contraction. Good dietary sources include halibut, milk, green vegetables like broccoli and spinach, cashews, legumes, sunflower and other seeds and whole-wheat bread..
8.Sodium and iodine are also essential to muscle health and are present in more than sufficient amounts in most commercially processed foods today.

Do Exercises
Performing pull-ups, sit-ups, pushups, squats and lunges regularly can keep muscles in tip top   shape. This will also improve your overall core strength and health.
Performing cardio and aerobic exercises is great for involuntary muscles. This will also help to improve heart strength, hence increasing circulation and health directly. It is recommended that you exercise for at least 30 continuous minutes two to three times on a weekly basis.

Diseases of Muscular System

There are many muscular diseases in a human body. Few are listed below.

Muscular Dystrophy.
McArdle Syndrome  
Cerebral Palsy
Myasthenia Gravis
 Myofascial Pain Syndrome
 Piriformis Syndrome
 Compartment Syndrome

Muscular System

What is Muscular System?

The muscular system is a system of tissues - called muscles - throughout the body which allow you to move. Most of the muscles in the body are under conscious control and are moved by commands sent to the muscles from the brain via the nervous system. However, some muscles (such as the cardiac muscles) are involuntary - that is, they move regularly without any conscious control. Muscles are made up of millions of tiny protein filaments which work together to produce motion in the body. They move and make us capable of a variety of actions by simply contracting and becoming shorter or by relaxing and becoming longer.

The muscular system consist of three different types of muscle tissues : skeletal, cardiac, smooth.

Functions of Muscular System

1.Skeletal Muscles Create Movement
2.Skeletal Muscles Protect Organs
3.Cardiac Muscle Pumps Blood
4.Smooth Muscle Aids Digestion
5.Smooth Muscle Ensures Blood Flow

6. Maintenance of posture also due to skeletal muscles
7.Respiration due to movements of the muscles of the thorax
8.Production of body heat, which is necessary for the maintenance of body temperature, as a byproduct of muscle contraction
9.Communication, such as speaking and writing, which involve skeletal muscles
10.Constriction of organs and vessels, especially smoother muscles that can move solids and liquids in the digestive tract and other secretions, including urine, from organs
11.Heart beat caused by the contraction of cardiac muscle that propels blood to all parts of the body

Saturday 27 October 2012

How to overcome Skeleton or Bone diseases and disorders?


Eat a healthy diet rich in manganese, zinc and copper

A healthy diet includes a balance of lean protein, whole grains and fruits and vegetables.
Foods high in manganese include nuts, shellfish, dark chocolate, soybeans and sunflower seeds.
Beef, shellfish and peanuts are foods that are high in zinc.
Copper is prevalent in foods like calamari, lobster, sun dried tomatoes and oysters.

Consume foods and drinks that are high in CALCIUM.
Eat a lot of foods high in calcium. 1000 to 1200 mg a day.Bones depend on calcium for strength.Diary products such as milk and cheese are excellent source, as are the leafy vegetables such as broccoli.

It is commonly found in dark green and orange plant foods such as kale, carrots, sweet potatoes and mangoes. You need to consume that are abundance in Vitamin A, since this will ensure the proper development of bones which are considered as the most important element in the skeleton system. Be cautious excessive Vitamin A will diminish calcium content in bones.
It helps to increase bone mineral density and reduces the risk of fractures in people with osteoporosis a disease in which the bones become week and fragile. For more Vitamin K in your diet, eat green vegetables such as cabbage, asparagus, spring onions, cucumbers

  • Engage in regular weight-bearing exercise such as walking, jogging, climbing stairs, cycling and weight lifting 
  • Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night      
  •  Drink at least 8 glasses of clean water every day. The body needs to remain hydrated to be healthy. Hydration is important to maintaining bone health.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol 
  • Avoid excessive amounts of salt, soda and carbonated drinks, caffeine and hydrogenated oils, which are known to diminish calcium content in bones. 
  • Avoid excessive eating fatty foods
Eating excess fatty food can lead to obesity and other disorders that impact the skeleton and other body systems. However, fats are an essential part of a balanced diet and needed to maintain bone health. 

Friday 26 October 2012

Skeleton Diseases

Bones become weak due many reasons like

Poor eating Habits
deficiency of nutrients and minerals
Accidental injury causes fractures and long term disorders.

Skeleton is affected by following diseases in particular.  


Arthritis is an inflammatory condition that affects your joints, such as the knees, or a portion of your spinal column. Typical symptoms of this condition include joint pain, swelling and stiffness accompanied by a reduction in the ability to freely move your joints. 

Bone Cancer

Bone cancer, though uncommon, is cancer that originates within a bone of  body causing bones to weaken. Individuals with bone cancer may experience fatigue, bone pain or frequent bone fractures. Though any bone can be affected by cancer, bone cancer most frequently occurs in longer bones, such as those in our legs or arms.


Leukemia is a form of cancer that originates in the bone marrow and affects the lymphatic system. This disease results in the formation of abnormal, malfunctioning white blood cells, which interferes with the ability of your body to fight infection.

Osteomalacia (Rickets)

Osteomalacia is a disease that leads to a softening and weakening of your bone tissue. This disease, which in children is also called rickets, is typically caused by prolonged vitamin D deficiency.


Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become brittle and weak due to the extensive loss of bone tissue. Though the cause of osteoporosis is poorly understood, researchers believe that the bone remodeling process that occurs in healthy individuals is interrupted in individuals with this disease. Osteoporosis also commonly results in bone fractures of the wrist, spine or hip,

Spina Bifida

Spina bifida is a genetic birth defect that effects the development of the spinal cord while a baby is in the uterus. When present, this defect is typically detected and treated before a baby is born. However, babies that are not treated before birth may be born with excess fluid in or around the brain. 


--also called hunchback---is a deformity of the upper portion of the spinal column that results in severe forward bending of the spine. In children and adolescents, this condition may result from poor posture (postural kyphosis), misshapen vertebrae or problems during fetal development . In adults, this condition is often the result of another disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis or cancer.


also called swayback---is a condition in which the curve of the lower portion of the spine is notably pronounced. Muscle or nervous system problems are often the cause of this condition. 


Scoliosis results in a sideways curvature of the spinal column. This condition is most frequently diagnosed during adolescent growth spurts prior to or during puberty. Though the cause of this condition is not fully understood, some researchers believe that the disease may be due to an inherited genetic disorder

Paget's Disease

Paget's disease of the bone is an abnormal breakdown of bone tissue that is followed by abnormal bone growth. Any part of the skeletal system may be affected, but the most common areas include the arm, leg, spine, collar and pelvis, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.


What is Skeleton System?
Human Skeleton

Skeletal system is the system of bones, associated cartilages and joints of human body. Together these structures form the human skeleton. Skeleton can be defined as the hard framework of human body around which the entire body is built. Almost all the hard parts of human body are components of human skeletal system

Why Joints are important?

Joints are very important because they make the hard and rigid skeleton allow different types of movements at different locations. If the skeleton were without joints, no movement would have taken place and the significance of human body; no more than a stone.

Why Skeleton is important?

Because without it human body cant survive. It also gives


Tuesday 16 October 2012

Human Body

Do you know which one is wonderful thing in the world?
Do you know which one is priceless thing in the world?
Do you know which one is most powerful thing in the world?

The one answer for all questions is human body. We could have studied about our body in our childhood days. When we were younger we lived a healthy and cheerful life. But when we grow up we face many diseases.
One day when I was going to my office I saw an auto crossed where nearly 5 or 6 year old girl in school uniform was carrying a school bag in her shoulders. On one hand she has one water bottle and in another hand she has one tabulate i.e medicine. She even don’t know what is body and what is a disease? But she is taught to take a tabulate when she is ill. This initiated me to write this blog. I also try to give you the content in simple writing so that you can understand it easily.
Our body is divided into 10 system. They are

1.Skeletal System 
2.Muscular System
3.Nervous System
4.Respiratory System
5.Cardiovascular System
6.Lymphatic System
7.Endocrine System
8.Digestive System
9.Urinary System
10.Reproductive System - Male & Female

Now I am leaving. Let us discuss it in detail next bloging.

Wednesday 3 October 2012


In India cotton clothes were famous 3000 years earlier. Other countries were not aware of cotton then.
During English rule in India, traditional people from England wore India’s “muslin” cloth. No one came forward to buy clothes from England. This led to agitation by English government. They passed law in the parliament by which they imposed a fine of Rs.500/= for those who used Indian made muslin cloth. But English women wore it dishonestly.
In order to sell their mill cloth they restricted muslin. They used to give lower wages to those who wooved cotton cloth. Many hand loom weavers were forced to search for other works. Thus hand loom weaving was ruined by Englishmen.
Hand loom machines were unseen throughout India. Mahatma Gandhi used to wear mill cloths. When he came from South Africa he came to know about this, he wanted to give new life to hand loom cloths. But people of that generation even did not know how hand loom machine look like. He requested majjumdar, a social worker to get hand loom machine. Majjumdar went throughout the country but she could not find it. Finally she found it in a small town from Baroda.
No one was there to weave a cloth. Finally they managed to weave a 30 inch cotton sack that was worn by Mahatma Gandhi. Many improvements were made later. He asked all Indians to wear cotton cloths. He said hand loom machines would give strength to Indian economy. It was the great social work by him to our nation. 

Understanding the value of cotton and our nation please wear Indian made cotton clothes